A course entitled "Personal Strategic Planning"

The Development ProjectsManagementUnitat the University of Zagazigorganizes acourse entitled "Personal Strategic Planning" where Mr. / MunirHussein EL-Masry,InternationalChancellor at theArabDevelopmentAmbassadorswilllecturein it.

The main objective of the session:
Train the participants on how to develop a personal plan includes a mission, a vision, higher values, strategic objectives and implementation tools .

In the end, you will be able to :
1 .Define the concept of planning , its importance and its benefits
2 .Knowing thesteps of thesuccessful planning
3 .Drawing and preparing practical and time plan for the future
4 .Knowing themeans to ensure the implementation of the plan

Axes of the course:
1 . Introductionto planning, its concept and its importance.
2 .Diagnosis: identity, belonging, personal values ​​, the environment , the diagnosis of internal and external environment , the appropriate strategy for scoring .
3 .Scoring : dreams , dreams criticism , strategic objectives , vision and mission
4 .Implementation: short-term goals , the first step , implementation tools and the operational plan .
5 .Follow-up and evaluation :evaluationmethodsand alternative plan .

Note that the date of this session is on Friday and Saturday, April 18-19, 2014 at 9:00 in the morning at the Project Management Unit .

For support, contact or visit theDevelopmentProjectsManagement Unitat the university.

Tel: 0552372518
Mobile: 01274547464
Mobile: 01066183637
Mobile: 01127111728

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